Work in progress
"Exchange rate pass around", with Julian Hinz and Federico Trionfetti -- New Version PDF
"Blowback: The effect of sanctions on democratic election", with Julian Hinz -- PDF
"Phyloeconomic Trade Diversity", with A.M. Fernandes, T. Mayer, E. Milet and D. Taglioni -- In progress
"Blowback: The effect of sanctions on democratic election", with Julian Hinz -- PDF
"Phyloeconomic Trade Diversity", with A.M. Fernandes, T. Mayer, E. Milet and D. Taglioni -- In progress
Publications in refereed journals
Crozet Matthieu, Laura Hering and Sandra Poncet (2024), "Is there a bright side to the China syndrome? Rising export opportunities and life satisfaction in China"
World Bank Economic Review, 2024 -- Working Paper version - PDF
Crozet Matthieu, Banu Demir and Beata Javorcik (2022) "International trade and letters of credit: A double-edged sword in times of crisis"
IMF economic review 2022- PDF - Data
Crozet M., J. Hinz, A. Stammann and J. Wanner (2021) "Worth the pain? Firms' exporting behavior to countries under sanctions",
European Economic Review, vol. 134 - Details
Crozet M. and J. Hinz (2020) "Friendly fire: The trade impact of the Russia sanctions and counter-sanctions",
Economic Policy, January 2020, Volume 35(101), p. 97-146. -- PDF
See also -- Vox Column and The Washington Post
Crozet M. and E. Milet, (2017). "Should everybody be in services? The effect of servitization on manufacturing firm performance",
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 26(4) p. 820-841 - PDF (Working Paper) -- Slides
Crozet M., E. Milet and D. Mirza, (2016). "The impact of domestic regulations on international trade in services: Evidence from firm-level data", Journal of Comparative Economics , 44(3), 585-607- PDF
Crozet M. and F. Trionfetti, (2013). "Firm-Level Comparative Advantage" Journal of International Economics, 91(2), pages 321-328. PDF
Crozet M., G. Lalanne and S. Poncet, (2013). "Wholesalers in international trade" European Economic Review, 58: 1-17. PDF
Crozet M., K. Head and T. Mayer, (2012). "Quality sorting and trade: Firm-level evidence for French wine" Review of Economic Studies, 79(2): 609-644. PDF
Crozet M. and P. Koenig, (2010). "Structural gravity equation with extensive and intensive margins" Canadian Journal of Economics, 43(1). PDF
Winner of the Harry Johnson Prize 2010 for the best article in Canadian Journal of Economics.
Crozet M. and F. Trionfetti, (2008). "Trade costs and the Home Market Effect", Journal of International Economics, 76(2) pp. 309-321. PDF
Crozet M., (2004). "Do Migrants Follow Market Potentials? An Estimation of a New Economic Geography Model", Journal of Economic Geography, Vol. 4 (4), August: 439-458. PDF
Crozet M., P. Koenig-Soubeyran , (2004). " EU Enlargement and the Internal Geography of Countries", Journal of Comparative Economics , Vol.32 (2), June: 265-279. PDF
Crozet M., H. Erkel Rousse, (2004). "Trade performances, product quality perceptions and the estimation of trade price-elasticities" Review of International Economics , Vol. 12 (1), February: pp. 108-129 PDF
Crozet M., T. Mayer , J.-L. Mucchielli (2004). "How Do Firms Agglomerate? A Study of FDI in France" Regional Science and Urban Economics Vol. 34 (1), January: 27-54. PDF
Brülhart M. , M. Crozet, and P. Koenig , (2004). "Enlargement and the EU Periphery: The Impact of Changing Market Potential".
The World Economy , Vol. 27(6), June:853-875
Crozet M., L. Fontagné, (2011). "L'internationalisation des entreprises : une analyse microéconomique de la mondialisation" Economie et statistique, 435-436: 3-12. PDF
Crozet M., I. Méjean and S. Zignago, (2011). "Plus grandes, plus fortes, plus loin... Performances relatives des firmes exportatrices françaises" Revue Economique, 4(62), CEPII Working Paper, 2008-26 PDF
Crozet M. (2009). "Commerce et Geographie : la mondialisation selon Paul Krugman" Revue d'Economie Politique, 4 pp. 513-534. PDF
Crozet M. and P. Koenig (2008). "L'arbitrage cohésion-croissance : une analyse des régions européennes (1980-2000)" Revue Economique, Vol. 59 (2), March: 331-340.
English version: The Cohesion vs Growth Tradeoff: Evidence from EU Regions (1980-2000) PDF
Crozet M., F. Trionfetti , (2002). "Effets frontières entre les pays de l'Union Européenne : le poids des politiques d'achats publiques" Economie Internationale , N. 89-90, pp. 189-208 .
Crozet M., (2000). "L'impact des choix de localisation des firmes multinationales sur les dynamiques industrielles" Revue Economique , Vol. 25 N° 3, pp. 735-746
World Bank Economic Review, 2024 -- Working Paper version - PDF
Crozet Matthieu, Banu Demir and Beata Javorcik (2022) "International trade and letters of credit: A double-edged sword in times of crisis"
IMF economic review 2022- PDF - Data
Crozet M., J. Hinz, A. Stammann and J. Wanner (2021) "Worth the pain? Firms' exporting behavior to countries under sanctions",
European Economic Review, vol. 134 - Details
Crozet M. and J. Hinz (2020) "Friendly fire: The trade impact of the Russia sanctions and counter-sanctions",
Economic Policy, January 2020, Volume 35(101), p. 97-146. -- PDF
See also -- Vox Column and The Washington Post
Crozet M. and E. Milet, (2017). "Should everybody be in services? The effect of servitization on manufacturing firm performance",
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 26(4) p. 820-841 - PDF (Working Paper) -- Slides
Crozet M., E. Milet and D. Mirza, (2016). "The impact of domestic regulations on international trade in services: Evidence from firm-level data", Journal of Comparative Economics , 44(3), 585-607- PDF
Crozet M. and F. Trionfetti, (2013). "Firm-Level Comparative Advantage" Journal of International Economics, 91(2), pages 321-328. PDF
Crozet M., G. Lalanne and S. Poncet, (2013). "Wholesalers in international trade" European Economic Review, 58: 1-17. PDF
Crozet M., K. Head and T. Mayer, (2012). "Quality sorting and trade: Firm-level evidence for French wine" Review of Economic Studies, 79(2): 609-644. PDF
Crozet M. and P. Koenig, (2010). "Structural gravity equation with extensive and intensive margins" Canadian Journal of Economics, 43(1). PDF
Winner of the Harry Johnson Prize 2010 for the best article in Canadian Journal of Economics.
Crozet M. and F. Trionfetti, (2008). "Trade costs and the Home Market Effect", Journal of International Economics, 76(2) pp. 309-321. PDF
Crozet M., (2004). "Do Migrants Follow Market Potentials? An Estimation of a New Economic Geography Model", Journal of Economic Geography, Vol. 4 (4), August: 439-458. PDF
Crozet M., P. Koenig-Soubeyran , (2004). " EU Enlargement and the Internal Geography of Countries", Journal of Comparative Economics , Vol.32 (2), June: 265-279. PDF
Crozet M., H. Erkel Rousse, (2004). "Trade performances, product quality perceptions and the estimation of trade price-elasticities" Review of International Economics , Vol. 12 (1), February: pp. 108-129 PDF
Crozet M., T. Mayer , J.-L. Mucchielli (2004). "How Do Firms Agglomerate? A Study of FDI in France" Regional Science and Urban Economics Vol. 34 (1), January: 27-54. PDF
Brülhart M. , M. Crozet, and P. Koenig , (2004). "Enlargement and the EU Periphery: The Impact of Changing Market Potential".
The World Economy , Vol. 27(6), June:853-875
Crozet M., L. Fontagné, (2011). "L'internationalisation des entreprises : une analyse microéconomique de la mondialisation" Economie et statistique, 435-436: 3-12. PDF
Crozet M., I. Méjean and S. Zignago, (2011). "Plus grandes, plus fortes, plus loin... Performances relatives des firmes exportatrices françaises" Revue Economique, 4(62), CEPII Working Paper, 2008-26 PDF
Crozet M. (2009). "Commerce et Geographie : la mondialisation selon Paul Krugman" Revue d'Economie Politique, 4 pp. 513-534. PDF
Crozet M. and P. Koenig (2008). "L'arbitrage cohésion-croissance : une analyse des régions européennes (1980-2000)" Revue Economique, Vol. 59 (2), March: 331-340.
English version: The Cohesion vs Growth Tradeoff: Evidence from EU Regions (1980-2000) PDF
Crozet M., F. Trionfetti , (2002). "Effets frontières entre les pays de l'Union Européenne : le poids des politiques d'achats publiques" Economie Internationale , N. 89-90, pp. 189-208 .
Crozet M., (2000). "L'impact des choix de localisation des firmes multinationales sur les dynamiques industrielles" Revue Economique , Vol. 25 N° 3, pp. 735-746
Other publications (selection)
Sanctions et embargos: quels impacts sur le commerce de la France vers la Russie ?, with Julian Hinz, CEPII Letter 2015
On the gravity of world trade’s slowdown, with Charlotte Emlinger and Sébastien Jean, in The Global Trade Slowdown: A New Normal?, Vox, B. Hoekman ed. 2015 Link
Crozet M. and E. Milet “The Servitization of French Manufacturing Firms”, in L. Fontagné and A. Harrison, The Factory Free Economy Oxford University Press - Forthcoming 2016 - PDF
Vers une industrie moins... industrielle ?, With E. Milet, CEPII Letter 2015
Evaluation de l'efficacité des dispositfs publics de soutien à l'exportation des firmes françaises, With T. Mayer, F. Mayneris and D. Mirza, Rapport pour la direction du Trésor / Cirem, 2013 - Link - CEPII Letter
On the gravity of world trade’s slowdown, with Charlotte Emlinger and Sébastien Jean, in The Global Trade Slowdown: A New Normal?, Vox, B. Hoekman ed. 2015 Link
Crozet M. and E. Milet “The Servitization of French Manufacturing Firms”, in L. Fontagné and A. Harrison, The Factory Free Economy Oxford University Press - Forthcoming 2016 - PDF
Vers une industrie moins... industrielle ?, With E. Milet, CEPII Letter 2015
Evaluation de l'efficacité des dispositfs publics de soutien à l'exportation des firmes françaises, With T. Mayer, F. Mayneris and D. Mirza, Rapport pour la direction du Trésor / Cirem, 2013 - Link - CEPII Letter